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Iraq Weekly Report – 18-24 September 2017.

This week in Iraq, a notable decline in hostile incidents occurred this reporting period. Following last week’s spike in activity in Maysan, activity returned to normal levels with only three events recorded. Reported activity also fell substantially in Basra province, likely due to enhanced security measures implemented for the period of Muharram. Across the region, events were largely related to low-level criminality and localised disputes. Changes to Dhi Qar’s security operations have been implemented following a Parliamentary Security Committee review of the province.

Another decrease in hostile activity was reported in the South Central region, returning to within average levels recorded for 2017. The bulk of events related to localised disputes and low level criminality, as per established trends. Insurgent activity remained focused in Northern Babil, particularly around the Jurf al-Sakkar area. All in all, levels of violence in Iraq returned to normal after a spike over recent weeks.

Read more in our Iraq Weekly report.